Canada and the U.S., Ontario ,Canada
12/30/2024 08:27 AM
Winds 9.59 mph S
Mostly Clear
Weather will be Drizzle.Maximum Temperatures 43 F. Minimum Temperatures 35 F. Windspeed 18.43 SSW.
06:57 AM
02:50 PM
06:41 AM
Moon Phase
Waning crescent
03:28 PM
Winds: 18.43 mph SSW
Weather will be Drizzle.Maximum Temperatures 43 F. Minimum Temperatures 35 F. Windspeed 18.43 SSW.
Winds: 7.79 mph S
Weather will be Heavy Rain.Maximum Temperatures 39 F. Minimum Temperatures 34 F. Windspeed 7.79 S.
Winds: 12.04 mph NW
Weather will be Heavy Snow.Maximum Temperatures 35 F. Minimum Temperatures 28 F. Windspeed 12.04 NW.
Winds: 24.81 mph WNW
Weather will be Windy.Maximum Temperatures 28 F. Minimum Temperatures 18 F. Windspeed 24.81 WNW.
Winds: 17.95 mph W
Weather will be Mostly Cloudy.Maximum Temperatures 21 F. Minimum Temperatures 12 F. Windspeed 17.95 W.
Winds: 14.99 mph W
Weather will be Cloudy.Maximum Temperatures 15 F. Minimum Temperatures 8 F. Windspeed 14.99 W.
Winds: 14.3 mph WNW
Weather will be Mostly Cloudy.Maximum Temperatures 14 F. Minimum Temperatures 3 F. Windspeed 14.3 WNW.
Winds: 7.03 mph N
Weather will be Mostly Cloudy.Maximum Temperatures 17 F. Minimum Temperatures 1 F. Windspeed 7.03 N.
Winds: 8.27 mph N
Weather will be Partly Cloudy.Maximum Temperatures 22 F. Minimum Temperatures 9 F. Windspeed 8.27 N.
Winds: 9.63 mph NW
Weather will be Mostly Cloudy.Maximum Temperatures 22 F. Minimum Temperatures 13 F. Windspeed 9.63 NW.

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